Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Magical snow globe physically & emotionally drained

It's like day and night.

Yesterday, full staff PLUS.....people from other parts of the building helping out in the newsroom and people from out-of-house coming into our home to assist on the most comprehensive election coverage in town.

Today, back to the normal, hard-working grind.

I pull into the parking garage and can actually find a spot, multiple spots.

I walk into the newsroom and there are only about a dozen people right now working away.

It's like someone let the sparkling water out of our gigantic, election night news snow globe. Just physically and emotionally drained.

What has NOT changed: all the food that continues to circulate around the newsroom. This MUST stop. My willpower level is non-existent right now. I am definitely not near starvation by a long shot but have the mindset that I will never see another Cheryl & Co. fudge brownie --ever again!!!!!!

Back to NEVER a dull moment. It's more intense and busier on NON-ELECTION days. On election night, that is your one goal, your focal point.

The other 364 days are non-stop, grueling days with dozens of tentacles whipping around constantly thrashing at you. You have to stay moving and multi-task to make it through the day successfully. News comes from all angles, all topic matters and you must pick and choose and decide the news of the day. Sometimes it's just you in the newsroom. No one to cover the phones while you make a restroom pit stop or grab an apple so you don't pass out.

Back to reality!

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