Thursday, August 13, 2009

Weekly Feature: Hidden Gems

Today's Hidden Gem: The Cuyahoga County Fair

Let me be honest with you all, I am going to link this entry to the Cuyahoga County Fair's website because I don't want to rehash everything going on each day but there is absolutely no way 'jose' I can adequately give you all the interesting ins and outs of the Fair's daily agenda.

I do remember attending the fair as a little girl and have only fond memories.

When I was just a youngster, I had a garden. I took great pride in that garden and would visit it almost every day to check on each and every vegetable as well as clearing those pesky weeds away.

I planted so much, it was ridiculous. But we loved it. Having a gardening coach, he told us exactly how to plant and take care of each item.

Today as an adult, I wish I had a gardening coach who could tell me how deep or shallow to burrow down for certain vegies and all the tricks of the trade.

I yielded: corn, beets, kohlrabi, swiss chard, carrots, cucumbers, green peppers, onions, radishes, beans, lettuce....I remember harvesting and having my basket overflowing each trip.

Oh, those memories.

Well, when we would go to the fair, not only was I interested in the piglets, horses, cows, petting zoo, goats, and all of the farm animals, as well as the rides and the gooey food I normally was not allowed to eat, but, I too was so interested in the vegetables on display and who won a blue ribbon or red ribbon or gold ribbon. I was so enamored with the largest pumpkins and the longest carrots as I was a farmer of sorts.

The fair sure does bring back vivid memories as I'd go with my Aunt and Uncle and sometimes my Uncle's mother or the entire family would go.

My Mom's family had a farm in Chardon so she was dashed back to her childhood days.

I just liked being out in the open air (even though I had so many allergies and probably should NOT have been around the animals and flowers and such) running wild. It sounded like there was music being piped out from every crevice in every single spot of the fairgrounds. I just loved hearing music everywhere I went. The music made everything so much more festive!

Ah, those were the days which every child should experience and memories every adult should savor.

I certainly hope you all can make your way to the 113th annual Cuyahoga County Fair at the Berea Fairgrounds so you too can see why it is this week's Hidden Gem!

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