Today's Hidden Gem: News Anchorman Ted Henry
Legendary news icon, Ted Henry, announced his retirement yesterday after 44 years in broadcasting.
This action, well deserved, could toss Cleveland television into a tizzy! We'll see what this chess move spurs next?!?!
The days of working in the same geographic area or at the same shop an entire career are gone. He's a fortunate man to have achieved such a feat.
We strive for longevity and perfection, among other admirable attributes. However, in today's times, especially in media, where staffs are getting cut in half, younger-cheaper employees are being hired to replace the experienced veteran, unfortunately duration and quality greatly suffer.
Back to the man of the hour.
Ted Henry has always been one of my mentors. His mastery of this business, mind boggling. His knowledge of pretty much every topic, astounding. His work ethic, unyielding. And his story assignments over the last 44 years--priceless.
When I first started at Channel 5 so many years ago, Ted's welcoming smile and hefty laugh could only draw you to his side. He never spoke down to anyone or made anyone feel inferior in any way, shape or form.
Once you sat down with him and held a conversation, you were entranced by his wealth of knowledge.
He never put on airs. What you saw was what you got. Pure honesty! He'd sit in the newsroom in his jeans, top siders, glasses, sucker in his mouth, pencil behind his ear pounding out scripts. He may not want anyone to know this, but what the heck. He'd oftentimes walk around the newsroom in his socks!
We had much in common --religion, spirituality, family, truth, travel, and just the 'love' of Cleveland. Ted could be THE biggest cheerleader for this city.
His delivery engaged the viewer and was far from dry and boring. At times, made you chuckle! I have to be honest, I don't really remember the story but he had a way with words. He and Wilma Smith were on set together and as he read his scripts for a story with his animated expression, this phrase came out: "and that's a big 'BUT' Wilma!!" I still laugh to this day!!!
A dear friend reminded me of yet another funny anecdote. Ted and Wilma were on set reading rivaling huge pumpkin stories. Wilma read hers and Ted was next. As they came out of Wilma's story, Ted said, "wait 'til you see mine, it's huge!"
The repoire between Ted and Wilma did not go unnoticed by our youth. It even rubbed off on my nieces and nephew. My sister was working on a school project and was using a video camera. The kids were doing great things so she started shooting them. At one point, my oldest niece Sara (who has since become a member of the media --a published author and writer for a local trade magazine) was pretending to be on the news desk anchoring a news show. At the end of her presentation, she said 'back to you Ted, back to you Wilma!"
Henry's inquisitiveness and quest for exploration & the truth made him a top notch reporter/anchor. Constantly asking the tough questions, he got to the bottom of each story and scored some amazing interviews.
He actually writes and researches his own stories and goes out on assignment.
Observing him up on the news set, I always thought his smooth delivery and finesse with live interviews put him in the category with the national anchormen, the likes of Jennings, Rather, Brokaw...
There were certain stories he really owned. Ironically, the hottest story today, John Demjanjuk, is one of those such stories. Ted actually traveled to Israel numerous times with Videographer Rich Geyser covering the war crimes trials of Demjanjuk over the years. They were witnesses to the Berlin Wall coming down and traveled the world covering various Papal trips and religion-oriented stories among so many others over his 38 years.
He was no stranger to domestic travel. He and Videographer Tommy Livingston headed to Chicago last year for the hot button Medical Mart story. They went to North Dakota covering wheat farmers...treks to Washington and covered the Pope's visit to St. Louis.
No matter which photographer got the privileged opportunity to cover a story with Ted, they knew they were lucky and witnessing a master.
Ted's news series 'Wednesday's Child' focused on children needing adoption in this area. He has made and continues making a difference in the community with his compassion, honesty, and charity work. Henry helped actualize the 'Home for the Holidays Campaign' which supported two groups near and dear to his heart, Transitional Housing and New Life Community.
I really could go on and on regarding this wonderful human being. He IS a tremendous man. I am honored and privileged to have been able to work with him, to learn from his expertise and to be able to call him friend.
His exit from Cleveland television is a loss for this market. However, just having Ted Henry in the world is a gain for humankind.
I wish he and his wife Jody well as they travel around the world pursuing their quest for truth, and continue discovering facets of their spirituality as they enhance their knowledge of others' cultures and lifestyles.
If you have ever seen a newscast with Ted Henry, you too, will see why I am honoring him and spotlighting him as this week's Hidden Gem!
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