Friday, September 5, 2008

Breaking news where you are!

This almost NEVER happens!

Breaking news where you are!

Ironically, that very situation occurred Friday afternoon.

Reporter Dick Russ and his videographer George Payamgis were heading out to a 'feature-type' piece in the Parma area (tune in at 7pm and 11pm for the scoop!!)....

(picture courtesy videographer George Payamgis)

Lisa was tuned into the crazy scanners about a robbery in Parma --right where Dick was headed.

I started answering viewer tip calls about a robbery in Parma --right where Dick was headed!

We got two stories for the price of one, and both of them were pretty darn good.

Dick and George were on site at the Parma KFC robbery while police were combing the area, while they found their 2 suspects and took them into custody and recovered the weapon and discarded clothes as well.
(photo courtesy videographer George Payamgis)

For more information, tune in to our news broadcasts Friday night or log onto!

Job well done!

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