Tuesday, August 25, 2009

An 'almost' sick day

Holy Smokes!

I am rarely sick. Even when I am ailing, I usually drag myself into work!

So when I call off, it's either because I can not see from my allergies or can not detach myself from a 'certain' room in the house long enough to make it into work OR a family member is ill.

Today was a close one.

I really thought I was going to have to burn a sick day, but thankfully, I did not.

A family member of mine was in bad sorts after having a bad reaction to new medication. I had to monitor her like a hawk.

We were not sure if she would wind up at the doctor's office, or worse, in the hospital (and become an actual news story!).

Fortunately, with age comes wisdom.

We were able to diffuse the situation somewhat before any doctors even called us back.

By the time I was supposed to exit for work, she was back up to 80 percent.

Now, me, on the other hand --a different story!

I still have my aching right arm, shoulder and upper back!! I'm a mess but trudged into work to continue wading through and eliminating the 1200+ email which accumulated during my vacation last week!!

Honestly, that's pretty much all I've been doing this week so far.

Email email email and then web work. It's been interesting, busy, and very time consuming.

But, I know when I delete that last email, a huge weight will be lifted off of my shoulders! A real sense of accomplishment!

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