Just another hectic day on the news desk.
Today, however, brought with it a bigger challenge.
Today, however, brought with it a bigger challenge.
I am manning the mother ship solo.
Definitely not impossible, and oftentimes a bit more productive. I use both computers...and take over the entire work area. Not everything gets done, but you focus on the necessary tasks at hand, and hope that nothing falls through the cracks.
Adding to the complexity, our lead story, the Flats school bus accident, has many sidebar components happening simultaneously, all at different locations.
We were lucky today, we actually had crews and reporters to staff each assignment.
A reporter/camera combo covered the school press conference, which started 25 minutes late causing some tense moments back at the ranch. Our crews came through making it back in time. They usually do!
A reporter/camera combo obtained information from the company owner as well as feedback from the bus driver's neighbors.
A reporter/camera combo spoke with school mates of the "hero" student who ultimately brought the bus to rest.
Everyone in town efforts a glimpse and first hand account of what happened from the 'hero' student himself! That's where one of my night reporters and 2 crews were dispatched.
Another local agency has a mug shot of the bus driver from a previous offense. We must get the picture. I send a cameraman in a live truck hoping that even if he gets stuck in rush hour traffic, he has the capability of feeding back what we need before airtime.
Finally, a big black limo pulls up at 'hero kid's' house. Some Network is jetting him off to be on one of the Wednesday morning early shows. We are in place should he speak!
And yet another crew hanging out at Hopkins International Airport, for one last chance to get the boy in demand before he lifts off to his next destination. And again, my crews came through!
The moment we have all been waiting for, 'hero student' emerges and speaks. We get our first glimpse as well as a little wild sound with the most sought after child in Cleveland.
4 reporters, 6 camera crews later (just TODAY!), we have lift off! You can be sure there will be much more to this story and we will have the latest for you on Channel 3 News and at wkyc.com!
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