You WON'T want to miss a two-part series Monica Robins has been working on about a young woman who has been through so much already.
She has had 20 surgeries to remove various tumors caused by her medical condition.
You can hear Jessica's story Thursday and Friday on Channel 3 News at 11pm. Please tune in.
Wednesday, April 30, 2008
PREVIEW: Jessica's Choices: Death or Deaf
Overheated Fuser
Like clockwork, no matter what time I get into work, what day of the week it is, the printer I need to use is 'down' for the count!
My day would not be complete without one fix-up trip to a printer.
I'll get my normal de-briefing from my predecessor, update my assignment sheet, and then go to print my materials for our editorial meeting. . . a n d N O T H I N G!
As I get closer and closer to the printer, I see blinking lights and every once in a while, hear an ominous drone coming from the machine.
I have become pretty proficient at clearing each section of the printer, finding every nook and cranny where a piece of paper can get stuck....pulling out those mangled sheets of paper. You have to try and get the system back on track, without burning your fingers!
Finally, we have lift off. I've printed with success. Such beautiful music to my ears!
I'd love to share a great tip I've learned: when all else fails, and all the jammed paper is out, TURN THE PRINTER OFF AND BACK ON!!
Welcome to the electronic, computer age folks!
Tuesday, April 29, 2008
Malpractice Mess
We are in the midst of 'sweeps' mania. Remember to be sure to tune into Channel 3 News at 6pm for our month long series on '30 Days, 30 Ways to Save.' Tuesday Monica Robins will share how to save by making your own baby food. Wednesday, Chris Tye will give tips on keeping your electric bill in check.
Tuesday at 11pm, we have a special report on how people can track your every move by your cell phone.
And be sure to tune in to Tom Meyer's story Wednesday at 11pm about a Malpractice Mess. A story you won't want to miss!
Monday, April 28, 2008
Hits close to home

Working on the news assignment desk (and as many years as I have), you are bound to have your work and home life collide now and then. Unfortunately, there are more collisions than I'd like to recall.
Thankfully, back in December 2006, my family had forewarned me that my Mother had fallen and they had called an ambulance. Sure enough, while I was still on the phone with them, I heard the EMS squad dispatched to my home.
Many years ago, back in the old Channel 3 Building at 6th and Rockwell, a call came over the scanner for an accident at East 127th and Woodland. I remember it as if it were yesterday. I sent a cameraman, Mark Saksa, to check out the accident. When he arrived on scene, he said that it appeared the victim may have had a medical emergency which caused his car to strike a pole. Moments after Mark reported in, I got a phone call from my Mother that my Uncle Tommy had been in an accident and it did not look good. I left work and yes, it was my Uncle who was the victim of this deadly crash.
Yesterday, I saw an ad on television which reminded me of yet another such incident, which so far, is having a much better outcome.
As a tour guide at Hiram College, I had the privilege of meeting prospective students and their families and imparting my experiences and knowledge of the College on them.
One such family I had the honor of meeting was the Humphreys/Pruitt Family.
Ahmad Pruitt and his family came up to Hiram to take a tour, check out the lay of the land, and learn more about the College. We hit it off immediately. They were one of the most charming families I have ever met. That was back in the mid 80's and I am honored to say that I can STILL call them friends!
You can imagine how horrified I was hearing that Officer Aric Pruitt had been severely injured in a police chase back in August, 2007.
Fortunately, Aric's strong spirit coupled with the abundant support of family and friends has been the driving force behind Aric's amazing recovery.
Aric Pruitt's comeback and continued hard work is depicted in a new public service pictorial for MetroHealth's Wall of Hope. Mr. Humphreys shares his story and thanks the MetroHealth Hospital staff and cutting edge medical advances for saving his son's life.
As a news person, you try keeping a little distance between the story at hand and your personal feelings. However, in instances such as these, it's nearly impossible to stay impartial. Each time that ad comes on tv now, I get a lump in my throat and a feeling of pride for such a wonderful family battling back from adversity. I'm humbled and honored to know and have been touched by an amazing family!
Friday, April 25, 2008
Smashing Success!

Thursday, April 24, 2008
Live on Lakeside
'Live on Lakeside' kicks off Friday, April 25th on Channel 3 News Today. Each Friday we will showcase Live, Local Acts on our newly constructed 'Live on Lakeside' stage which the Art and Engineering Departments have been building all week.
Tune in for the latest cutting edge local bands, and you really never know WHO may be popping in on Mark and Abby and the gang.
This Rock and Roll Hall of Fame City attracts the biggest acts to town each summer. Will one of them drop in on Channel 3 News Today?
After the show, you can log onto and hear the exclusive songs in their entirety as well as learning more about the bands.
Tune into 'Live on Lakeside' each Friday morning on Channel 3 News Today and start your weekend off rockin'!
Weekly Feature: Hidden Gems
You can pinpoint Hiram Village at that section of Portage County where Rte 82 and Rte 700 meet.
Wednesday, April 23, 2008
May Sweeps
I have to admit, here at Channel 3 News, we treat every day of the year as if it were 'sweeps.' We work just as hard during non-sweep months as we do in the thick of a ratings book. We effort original, thought-provoking stories to teach, inform, and entertain our customers every day of the year. Some days we succeed, and I guess, some days we may not.
However, May 'sweeps' officially kicks off tomorrow and runs through May 21st. There are four major 'sweeps' months: February, May, July, and November (some say October is a minor 'sweeps' month as well).
During these months, networks and local affiliates hope to boost television ratings and attract new viewers, especially in a specified demographic, in order to regulate the fees set for advertisers.
There is a lot more to the whole 'sweeps' phenomenon than I can do justice. It's a very precise process. It involves stats, strategy, and some guesswork as to what your viewers like seeing the most. It reminds me of the game of baseball, where there seems to be a stat for just about everything. You have the ratings for each local show that airs during the course of a day. Then you have the Monday thru Friday ratings, the weekend ratings and the ratings Monday thru Sunday. Then each show is broken down minute by minute so you can get a gauge as to what kind of stories the audience likes. If there is a spike (either down or up) at a certain time of a show, you see what aired during that time to get an idea of what your audience really enjoys.
I've babbled on long enough on the semantics of 'sweeps.'
We here at Channel 3 News have been working for months to bring our viewers the most interesting and informative stories during May. Please click on the attached links to get a sneak peek into what we have in store. Monica Robins shares her in-depth story on her interview with a courageous woman coming back after having acid thrown at her by her attacker.
All of our reporters will help you save money in our "30 Days, 30 Ways to Save"Series.
Sit back, relax, and get ready for a great 'May Sweeps' from us to you!
Tuesday, April 22, 2008
Earth Day 2008
Sunny, blue skies as far as the eye can see! We could not have orchestrated this any better had we tried!
There have been a slew of Earth Day events all over town for the last couple of days. Information on how to be more conscious of our surroundings, how to live a healthier lifestyle, and ultimately preserve the future of this planet - not only for us but for future generations, has been streaming 24/7 on the world wide web, television, newspapers, periodicals-- everywhere!
Some things are out of our control. But if we CAN make a difference and help our future cause, we should take the initiative.
Web Producer, Kim Wendel, has a great story on our website about how environmental problems in the 60's in Cleveland may have "triggered" the Earth Day Movement.
Channel 3 News and is the best place to get Earth Day information as well as Go Green details.
We kicked off "Go Green" on Channel 3 News Today. We hope to share ideas and stories each day which our customers can use to make the transformation into a "Go Green" society and lifestyle.
Tune in every morning and be sure to visit the "Go Green" section on our website,, where you can find new tips and helpful information.
Stay with Channel 3 News and as we travel through this magnificent journey together to make this world a better place and "Go Green!"
Monday, April 21, 2008
Far from over, folks

The search continues for Amanda Berry

Saturday, April 19, 2008
The Chipotle got me!

Cavaliers 93, Wizards 86

Friday, April 18, 2008
Cleveland, Rise Up!
Thursday, April 17, 2008
Weekly Feature: Hidden Gems
Today kicks off the 29th year of the Tri-C JazzFest Cleveland. This year's theme is "A Tribute to American Classics." Ten days of the world's best jazz performers and contributors confabbing right here in Cleveland, Ohio. You can already hear the music in the air!
If you are a music lover, you're in heaven year round living in Cleveland. The best acts come into town. The home of the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame and Museum. Dozens of venues which, oftentimes, have live acts performing simultaneously. And, now the annual Tri-C JazzFest kicks off at 5pm with a festive parade, lead by the Shaw High School Marching Band, at Tower City and Public Square. Festivities continue at the Corner Alley with live music showcasing some of the best acts around. But it does not end there. At 8pm, the party moves to the House of Blues with Jazz meets Hip-Hop, Part 6.
Our festival is recognized as a paramount education jazzfest around the globe. Not only does it assemble the greatest acts in the world but offers clinics, workshops, forums, and other hands-on FREE educational programs throughout the 10-day event.
Musical icons such as Sinatra, Billie Holiday, and Marvin Gaye will be showcased and celebrated for their groundbreaking contributions.
Local powerhouses will be highlighted as well such as Evelyn Wright, the Cleveland Jazz Orchestra, The Ernie Krivda Trio, and musical legend Eddie Baccus, Sr., just to name a few of the many performing over the next ten days.
Click the attached link for a full list of performers as well as details on how to get tickets or where the events are happening!
8-time Grammy award winner Natalie Cole goes back to her roots for one powerful evening, Friday, April 25th at the Allen Theatre.
Whether you are a musician or a connoisseur of music, please make your way to one of the events at the 29th Annual JazzFest Cleveland, this week's Hidden Gem! And have fun!
Wednesday, April 16, 2008
Akron-Canton News discontinued

History in the making

Tuesday, April 15, 2008
A great honor
News Director Rita Andolsen announced that WKYC won a regional Edward R. Murrow award for "Overall Excellence." The winning entry included stories we have done on SuccessTech, The Painesville train derailment, the Jessie Davis case, our Home Made Series, Race for the Cure specials, the Officer West Funeral, TSA theft, Blvd of Broken Dreams, CSU Death and our 7pm Newscast the day after the Virginia Tech Shootings.
These stories should be in the archive section of if anyone would like to take a gander.
Such an honor! Edward R. Murrow is one of the most, if not THE most renowned and influential figures in Broadcasting.
This award is a true testament to the hard work every single employee here at Channel 3 News puts into their craft on a daily basis.
I have to admit, at times I am cynical about 'certain' awards. Definitely NOT this one. This is quite an honor!
It does seem like there is an award for just about everything and anything. What many do not realize is that TV awards are different from Sports Awards or other honors.
If a player leads the league in homeruns, rbi's and batting average, he wins the Triple Crown.
If you want a chance at winning an Emmy or Press Club, you have to physically enter the particular story. You have to fill out an application, submit a fee (which for Emmy Awards can run anywhere from 75 dollars upwards of 150 dollars per entry), dub down a copy of the story, and submit the entire package by a due date. Sometimes if feels as if you are "buying into a chance" to win an award.
Then, the whole screening process. Oftentimes, its just a group of 3 fellow broadcasters in a different city with a few pizzas sitting around a DVD player watching story after story after story for hours. The fate of whether you win or lose is in the hands of 3 folks who may or may not have good news judgement.
I do believe being honored for a job well done is essential! I do believe in some awards! I have 6 emmy awards and at least 8 press club awards myself. It's the nature of the biz to want to attain something tangible. At times though, I think it makes the folks around prouder than the recipient!
For me, going home after a job well done, exhausted, knowing you pummelled the competition is award enough!
Saturday, April 12, 2008
Prepare you, not scare you
We had severe weather. Throughout the night there were tornado warnings issued for various counties starting in Marion..then Richland...Crawford...coming closer to Ashland, Huron, Medina, and Lorain counties.
Our meteorologists must inform our customers about the latest weather warnings, watches and information 24/7. That could be in the form of a live cut-in or by crawling information on your television has constant updates....and you can even get information on your PDA or cell phone.
We were airing the Miss USA pageant LIVE with Donny and Marie Osmond when the stormy weather began crisscrossing northeast Ohio.
Our weather woman, Betsy Kling, was receiving continuous reports from the National Weather Service as well as our Doppler Radar. When she received a new warning, she informed our Director Frank Macek, who then rounded up the Control Room and Studio Crew to get into place to do a live cut-in.
Betsy was on the air for much of Friday night, pre-empting much of the Miss USA Pageant. Since the show was live on NBC, there is little chance of re-playing it. There is a lot of red tape to get permission and the rights from NBC and frankly, after speaking with our Programming Manager, more than likely that will not happen.
As a television station, it is our obligation to alert our viewers and customers of extreme severe weather. Betsy believed many customers in our viewing audience were in danger. Her role as a meteorologist is to get the most current information out to our viewers as fast as possible. The best way to do that is through the Internet and live cut-ins. The normal rule of thumb for cut-ins is when there is pending danger and a new warning. Each situation must be assessed. Our News Director does not want us to continually cut in without new information. The most embarrassing situation is when you keep saying the same thing over and over and over again. That is counter-productive and ultimately LOSES viewers.
As a viewer, if you are not in the middle of the storm or it is not heading your way, you don't care. Very understandable. That is what everyone was saying Friday night. None of our callers were experiencing any bad weather. And other viewers were saying if you ARE in the storm, you have already gone to your basement or safer ground. Another very valid point. Our viewers are pretty savvy. Many believed we were regurgitating the same information over and again. And worst of all, there was a local girl in the pageant and I think just about every member of her family called Channel 3 News because they could not see her compete.
I even spoke to our news director and programming manager, who were on opposite sides of our viewing area, and neither one of them was experiencing any bad weather.
I was flooded with HUNDREDS of complaint calls. Thankfully, my comrades Chris Tye, who was anchoring Friday night, and Carrie Young, who was producing the 11pm show, helped me field complaint after complaint. In a situation like that, all you can do is continuously answer the phones, explain WHY we are on the air, apologize, and take the viewers information to relay to your supervisor (if they ask for the complaint to be passed along).
If we have information available on when the pre-empted show will be re-run, we can give that out as well.
As an assignment editor, I also have to dispatch crews out to cover the severe weather and make calls to gather information over the phone to disseminate to my producer and weather people. However, you have a catch-22.
I, again, was alone on the news desk. It is very hard to work Monday thru Friday alone with so much happening. Working M-F is worlds apart from working an overnight or the weekends, when working alone is kinda manageable.
So, answering hundreds of phone calls made it hard to make the necessary calls to gather information, but I did it! And unfortunately, every agency I called had absolutely NOTHING going on. No severe weather, no damage, no flooding. In times like these, it is very difficult to enhance and give fresh tidbits to our weather woman to relay on our air. Oftentimes, they like us to get what you call a "phoner." A phoner is when someone calls in and speaks LIVE during our cut-in to give their point of view or what they are seeing. We do phoners during weather situations, breaking news, even breaking Sports. However, in this situation, since I could not track down any problems, none of the agencies I spoke with wanted to do phoners with us.
I had all of my camera crews searching for weather. I even had one of them in the thick of Lorain and Medina Counties ALL NIGHT. All he could come up with was some rain and a little wind.
We have to alert our viewers, whether they like it or not. But on nights such as these when the warnings are there but they are not producing anything tangible locally, it is no picnic on the news assignment desk or being an assignment editor. Thank goodness the night is finally over! Have a good weekend everyone and stay dry!
Thursday, April 10, 2008
New Weekly Feature: Hidden Gems
Being a true Cleveland girl, I just love Northeast Ohio. Don’t get me wrong. I love traveling and have some pretty amazing cities already on my passport with many more hopefully ahead of me! But you can have the New York’s and the LA’s. Just give me Cleveland, Ohio. I’m amazed at the ignorance of some travelers I run into who have never been to Cleveland but have something negative to say about it. I challenge them to make the trek and promise they won’t be disappointed!
In 'Hidden Gems' I will showcase a different 'gem' each week. I characterize 'gem' as being a place, location, or event in Northeast Ohio which contributes to the eclectic yet traditional ambiance of this city. It may be well-known or it may be something that only neighborhood folks cherish. Obviously many of my 'hidden gems' have touched me personally in some way. However, I’d love to hear from my readers with other 'hidden gems' around town! Sit back, relax, and enjoy the scenic tour around Northeast Ohio!
Wednesday, April 9, 2008
Did he or didn't he?

With a story such as this, with finger pointing and denial, all we can do is continue digging, speaking with authorities, and report updates from all sides (so as not to implicate one side or the other).
- Who really owns the plain white bus?
- Why wasn't the school's bus used?
- Who did the bus driver work for at the time of the accident?
- Who caused the accident?
- When will the official-types release answers to our hard questions?
Stay with Channel 3 News and logged onto WKYC.COM for the latest breaking details on this strange story!
Tuesday, April 8, 2008
The search is on for student hero

Today, however, brought with it a bigger challenge.
Definitely not impossible, and oftentimes a bit more productive. I use both computers...and take over the entire work area. Not everything gets done, but you focus on the necessary tasks at hand, and hope that nothing falls through the cracks.
Adding to the complexity, our lead story, the Flats school bus accident, has many sidebar components happening simultaneously, all at different locations.
We were lucky today, we actually had crews and reporters to staff each assignment.
A reporter/camera combo covered the school press conference, which started 25 minutes late causing some tense moments back at the ranch. Our crews came through making it back in time. They usually do!
A reporter/camera combo obtained information from the company owner as well as feedback from the bus driver's neighbors.
A reporter/camera combo spoke with school mates of the "hero" student who ultimately brought the bus to rest.
Everyone in town efforts a glimpse and first hand account of what happened from the 'hero' student himself! That's where one of my night reporters and 2 crews were dispatched.
And yet another crew hanging out at Hopkins International Airport, for one last chance to get the boy in demand before he lifts off to his next destination. And again, my crews came through!
The moment we have all been waiting for, 'hero student' emerges and speaks. We get our first glimpse as well as a little wild sound with the most sought after child in Cleveland.
Monday, April 7, 2008
Gib Shanley calling hours and funeral details released

True Broadcasting Legend, Gib Shanley, dead at 76

Friday, April 4, 2008
Good luck, not goodbye
(photo by Mac Mahaffee)
Today, one of my videographers, my esteemed colleague shot his final story, at least for WKYC.
Mike Harris, seen in this photo with Health Anchor Monica Robins and Special Projects Producer Susan Moses, is moving on to the next phase of his career.
He is heading across the street to run the whole show.
Instead of going out to shoot the stories, he will be leading the charge for everyone who shoots and edits the stories. It is a wonderful advancement for his career! He has been a rock of Gibraltar while here at WKYC. He is a jack of all trades. Excellent videographer, editor, satellite truck operator, macgyver, and on and on!
He always found himself in the thick of things because of his talent, his energy, enthusiasm, and willingness to do anything and try anything once!
All of his experience in the field has lead him to this next chapter in his life.
When Mike was on the case, covering a story, trucking a live shot, flying in Chopper 3, or traveling on the road, we were in good hands.
He'd be the first one to shoot back a photo from his cell phone the minute he arrived on a breaking news scene.
Or shoot back a photo even if it was not breaking news. He found pleasure in taunting me with this picture from Fenway Park during the 2007 Playoffs! Actually, he knew he'd make me smile knowing my love of baseball and Boston. He was just including me in the 'playoff fever!'
It is definitely not good bye, but good luck, my man!
S(econd) T(hird) O(utfield)
Stop thinking so hard. I have gone crazy. No real hidden meaning, just a cute play on letters and words reminding me that many of the STO people are back in the houuuse!
SPORTSTIME OHIO operates out of the WKYC Digital Broadcast Center at East 13th and Lakeside Avenue. They launched on March 12, 2006 and went to 24/7 broadcasting on April 1, 2008.
The Dolan family owns STO, and operates it as a business venture separate from the Cleveland Indians Team. Initially they aired Cleveland Indians games and were the cable television home of the Cleveland Browns. Now they offer continuous programming selections ranging from the Indians and Browns to high school sports, golf, outdoors, boxing, wrestling, CSU, and so many other varying topics.
Because they operate 24/7 year-round, there are always STO folks in house. However, when baseball season (the best season of the year) is in full swing, the activity picks up and so does the population of Channel 3. Good luck finding a parking spot!
It's great seeing Rick Manning, Al Pawlowski, or Bruce Drennan roaming around the building in between their on-air hits.
What a rush and proud moment to walk down the corridor and see both control rooms filled with employees putting on two live shows at the very same time. A great feat!
The great programming and milestones accomplished in the short time it has been in existence is a true testament to the team work and camaraderie between STO and WKYC. A great business venture which hopefully will last for many years to come!
Thursday, April 3, 2008
The ties that bind
Tuesday night, this became a harsh reality for one of our reporters.
We were just doing what we do. We were following up on reports of a very serious crash in Nimishillen, Ohio. We tracked down the information. An Akron Canton Newsroom crew shot the scene. The webmaster way ahead of the pack on getting the story on our website. And we were the ONLY station to air the story Tuesday evening.
As usual with any story, you continue digging and updating with the latest details.
In the course of our quest for new information, we found that Channel 3 News reporter Paul Thomas had done a story last summer with one of the fatality victims.
Stephen Ellenberger died in this crash. 67-year-old Julius Weidinger was also killed in the accident.
Last August Ellenberger rescued a neighbor who was trapped under a nine-hundred pound table. Ellenberger lifted the table off 77-year-old Roy Burwell.
The Burwells were indebted to Stephen for his efforts last summer and are now grieving for this tragic loss.
Real life and the world of news is often stranger and more tragic than fiction.
Tuesday, April 1, 2008
One class act

His journey through life is one adventure after another.
His journalism career began as a cub reporter for the Detroit News. We are sure glad his path made its way to Cleveland! His journalistic prowess has earned him at least 14 Emmy Awards, that I know of!
He became king of Cleveland Television in the 1980's as host of 'AM Cleveland.'
His precision as a producer allowed him to scoop the competition, while with 'A Current Affair,' on such stories as the Oklahoma City Bombing and the O.J. Simpson murder trial. His free-lance work has landed jobs for NBC Nightly News and the Today Show, ABC, CBS, FOX, CNN, GMA, Dateline, 20/20, the Forensic Files, MSNBC, The Food Network, A&E.......the list is endless. His assignments as well as passion for life have taken him all over the world to amazing exotic places!
Scott is no stranger to the entertainment business. He plays one mean guitar!
Whenever I had a story at the Rock Hall or anything entertainment oriented for the 11pm news, Scott was the man to send!
He's no stranger to Carnegie Hall, covering one of his favorite groups, '1964, The Tribute.' He's toured with The New Christy Minstrels and played with Glen Campbell, Chuck Mangione, and Michael Bolton.
He can add 'movie star' to his repertoire. He hobnobbed with Burt Reynolds playing a rookie policeman in 'Sharky's Machine' and has also made the acquaintance of two James Bonds, Leno, Seinfeld and Courtney Cox.