(Photograph Courtesy John Carroll University)
Tim Russert has died at age 58.
NBC News confirms that Tim Russert was working in the Newsroom when he collapsed in the Washington Bureau.
Per the Associated Press, a person familiar with his family says Russert died of an apparent heart attack.
Tim Russsert was the longtime NBC News Washington Bureau Chief as well as the host of Meet the Press.
He has close ties to the Cleveland area. He graduated from John Carroll University and Cleveland-Marshall College of Law at CSU.
Russert and NBC Nightly News Anchor Brian Williams moderated the Democratic Debate held right here in Cleveland between Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama back in February.
This is a sad day. We've lost a great human being and a brilliant broadcaster.
Late Friday afternoon, President Bush issued a heart felt statement regarding the passing of Tim Russert:
"Laura and I are deeply saddened by the sudden passing of Tim Russert. Those of us who knew and worked with Tim, his many friends, and the millions of Americans who loyally followed his career on the air will miss him.
As the longest-serving host of the longest-running program in the history of television, he was an instititution in both news and politics for more than two decades. Tim was a tough and hardworking newsman. He was always well-informed and thorough in his interviews. And he was as gregarious off the set as he was prepared on it.
Most important, Tim was a proud son and father, and Laura and I offer our deepest sympathies to his wife, Maureen, his son Luke, and the entire Russert family. We will keep them in our prayers."
As more information and reaction becomes available, I will share it with all of you...and check wkyc.com as well for updates...
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