Photograph courtesy Director Frank Macek and wkyc.com
For the last couple of days, there have been various 'honors' bestowed upon Channel 3News or someone from WKYC!
WKYC received the regional Edward R. Murrow award for 'Overall Excellence!'
We were told we won the award back in the middle of April, however, recently received the actual award with fanfare and a presentation!
Ed Esposito, RTNDA chairman, presented the award to WKYC-TV Vice President and General Manager Brooke Spectorsky and WKYC-TV News Director Rita Andolsen.
There were a number of stories which encompassed the entries presented including the SuccessTech shooting, Painesville train derailment, The Jessie Davis murder, our Home Made Series, Race for the Cure Specials, the Officer West Funeral, TSA Theft, Blvd of Broken Dreams, CSU death, and our 7pm Newscast the day after the Virginia Tech shootings.
The region we are included with consists of Illinois, Indiana, Michigan, and Ohio. We beat out such cities as Chicago and Detroit!
Now we will compete for the national award with the winners of all the other regions.
Over the weekend, the Ohio Associated Press Broadcast awards were handed out in Columbus and the winners included:
First Place for Best Spot News Coverage in a large market for the WKYC Staff for 'SuccessTech Shooting.'
Second Place for Outstanding News Operation in a large market for WKYC Staff.
Second Place for Best Reporter in a large market for Tom Meyer.
Best Regularly Scheduled Weather for large market for Betsy Kling.
First Place for Extraordinary Coverage of a Scheduled Event in a large market for Dave Grendzynski for 'Indians/Red Sox Game 5.'
And last, but certainly NEVER least, our very own Del Donahoo was the man in the spotlight last week! A nice gathering of Del's family, friends, co-workers and living community gathered to not only pay Del tribute but learn about all of his current projects with MetroHealth Medical Center. Everyone mingled, got to know each other and shared great stories about Del as well as some of his co-workers!
Who knew Del was such a comedian??! He gave a wonderful speech about how he started in TV, where he came from, how he met Martha, some of the great interviews he landed, and his most famous story about his encounter with Fester the Lion!
Del is one of the most dedicated individuals I have ever met! His passion for life, family and friends, his career, and all of his viewers shines through. He continues pounding the pavement coming into the WKYC studios 3 or 4 times a week working on his MetroHealth Medical Center Senior Stories as well as his 'Best of' pieces.......
Del Donahoo is an inspiration, a Channel 3 Broadcasting Icon who never stops helping people. He is a true professional who makes his peers proud to know and work with him. Del brightens my day being the first person I see as I enter the newsroom! It's funny how his motto for MetroHealth appears to be 'his motto' for life! "Helping you live the life you love!"

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