The skies darkened, the rumbles began, and the rains came. Music to my ears! And once the show begins outside, the craziness begins inside --intensely listening to the scanners, which all decide to chatter at the same time at a continuous buzz.
We were prepared. We had crews strategically placed, whether we knew it or not!
We had a crew who was at the Lorain County/Cuyahoga County border just waiting for the storm to approach from Toledo, which First Energy tells me, was the hardest hit area so far. He was all set and got what we needed.
We had a crew downtown shooting the magical light show along Lake Erie.
While my crew was inbound from Lorain, he hit a few hot spots which had lines down and tree struck by lightning.
My crew on the east side shot a house fire which may have been sparked by a lightning strike.
And my final crew was the rover checking a few calls that never really panned out.
Knowing Cleveland, Ohio, this was probably the first of what should be many spring and summer storms.
Sit back, let Mother Nature have her way, and enjoy the light show!
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