Flashbacks boldly flooded the memory bank to the time in the old building when we had a pretty bad fire--DURING the news!
Those memories all came rushing back Tuesday night as half a dozen fire units converged on the wkyc news complex shortly after the 11pm news for a call of smoke in the newsroom.

The smell began shortly before the 11pm news but everyone thought it was one of the many lights illuminated during our broadcasts. One is stationed at the turntable and 2 more back in sports.
After the news and Bob the engineer turned all the lights off, the smoke did not dissipate. In fact, the smoke began pouring out of a vent stationed in old web world near the News Director's office.
Our sports guys, who were SMOKIN' during the newscast with THE BEST CSU win coverage, actually spotted it first.
Bruce, the audio man, ran downstairs to the area directly under web world to see if something was on fire in the basement.
Our security guard called the fire department....was checking the area....and contacted the head engineer on duty.
Our cleaning guy also made checks around the building while other staffers did the same.
Producer Dan and I contacted our news director to pull her into the loop on what was happening......we told her of the problem....everyone was ok but we were suggesting they vacate the premises until we know the origin and extent.....
Dan and I waited out front as one by one, fire truck after fire truck, rolled up to the building. Over a dozen firefighters in full garb unloaded off of the trucks. As they entered the building, they all divided up --some going into the newsroom to the vent in question, while others went downstairs and yet others went upstairs.

There were a handful of firemen who remained outside until they heard otherwise from their battalion chief.

About 20 minutes into the mission, 2 trucks were released but the bulk of the men stayed on site.
There was not a sense of urgency and I went back inside to get an update and see how the overnight staffers were dealing with this dilemma.
The newsroom still smelled awful, yet no smoke or fire or anything. But, it was eerie because the floor felt very warm and the temperature in the newsroom (which is usually freezing) was quite elevated.
As of this writing I am told a fan motor burned up or malfunctioned and has since been removed. There is no more smoke in the newsroom and the morning show MUST GO ON!! I'm not sure if that is the definitive cause, yet I'm told this may have been the culprit causing quite the uproar in a portion of the building.
When I know more, you will know more. At this time, quite a big stink for what appears to be a minor incident, but you never know.
Thank you very much to all the Cleveland Firefighters and the Cleveland Fire Department for their swift response and assessment of the problem.
The story of my life: surrounded by dozens of firemen and their focus has to be elsewhere!!!!!
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