Monday, October 27, 2008


I can not believe how gremlins have overtaken my computer!

Is this a Halloween prank?

One of my daily rituals is going through all of my email that has accumulated since I last logged in to the system. That usually takes at least 2 hours even though I have only been gone 15 hours.

Today, after being off the weekend, I log in to see that I have over 500 NEW email.

What is frustrating and quite disheartening is that email is popping up from October 11th, 12th, and the entire week of the 13th. However, I worked last week. I waded through all of my email last week on a regular basis.

How in the world can I be getting releases from October 11th?

This will come back to bite me in the butt one day when I am expecting a very important, very pressing release or 911 tape or something time sensitive....and it comes 2 weeks later! Chock up getting scooped to the gremlins in my computer!!!!!!!!!!

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