Thursday, September 23, 2010

Training and more training

The next many months ahead look to be enlightening, full of growth as well as maybe a few steps back every once in a while, expanding our skill sets, intermixed I'm sure with a little craziness and "topsy turvy-ness!" (I know topsy turvy-ness is not an official word, but it gets the point across!!).

For me, it will be a double latte shot of 'crazy.' Just as we are getting trained on our new computer and editing systems, I am slated to be off --really for the rest of the month.

Fortunately, I think I have our computer system down. I know how to do everything I need to do on the new system--for now! I'm looking forward to learning a new task every day once it's full speed ahead, but I'm navigating pretty well! Very proud of that because I admit, I'm a computer mutant!

I used to edit a million years I understand the concept of editing and hopefully will gradually get our new super editing system soon as well. I really enjoy that portion of our business--putting a story together with pictures and sound. One day, I really hope to be able to assist on editing stories for all of the shows during my hours.

I really love running the desk, researching, writing, doing lots of stuff for our various websites, and now soon, hopefully taking it one step further with videotape editing.

Training means very long days...and so far, it's been well worth it! Fingers crossed, wish me luck!

And remember, I'll be OUT hanging with my best friend and saying good bye to 'my' Cleveland Indians over the next few weeks so Swing By and Spray will be on hiatus.

Hopefully I will NOT forget everything I just learned and not be paralyzed once I return!

Everyone take care and have a good few weeks!

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