Tuesday, July 21, 2009


There was no where to park in the parking garage when I arrived into work, except that 'fateful spot' which brings back so many awful memories from March 25, 2009.

I was trembling as I entered the building and started my day. I could not help it.

I'm sure there are some people who do not want to me recount those memories or remember the events of that day, but unfortunately, it is part of my history now. Heck, there are certain folks to this day who have not even said, "Are you ok, honey? I'm so sorry that happened to you."

I'm ok with that and am long over it. In life, you have to roll with the punches and move on from adversity and tragedy. Everything happens for a reason and the more resilient we are, the stronger we become.

I won't lie or deny the simple fact that it was a bad event. A violation of my property & my safety and security. I will never get that peace of mind back. And unfortunately, it has put me years and years back into debt.

However, I'm glad today happened. I was over just about everything. But having to park in that same spot was just what the doctor ordered.

It's like, if you are thrown off a horse, you have to get back on. If you fall on the ski slope, you have to get back up and tackle a higher slope. If you fall off your bike, get right back on and keep peddling.

Onward and upward, my friends!

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