Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Never promise anything

I learned it as a news assistant so many years ago and still stress it today: NEVER promise ANYTHING!

It's a good rule to live by, even out of a newsroom.

Today is a perfect day to exhibit this mantra.

In the afternoon meeting, the story cards were dealt out to each reporter and camera man.

What everyone started out on quickly changed when we got the call from the Chief's Office that there had been four arrested in connection with the tragic double shooting over the weekend at East 12th and Chester.

Switching gears-- and fast! We had lady luck on our side as crews were actually IN the places they needed to be without even knowing it!

The transition went off without a hitch.

A big thank you goes out to the room including, Dan Stadler, Dick Russ, Chris Tye, Chris Kunz, Dave Summers, Craig Roberson, Carl Bachtel, Dan Medsker, Julie Ocepek, intern Jeff Kinder, and editor Matt Hein for their great joint effort at getting this breaking news on the air.

Earlier in the day, a local restaurateur contacted the news desk about coming out to his Mardi Gras party being held during Downtown Dining week. I cover it every Shrove Tuesday. However, I knew better not to promise anything. I put it on my agenda and hoped to have a crew eventually to send over there...

A little dicier situation lay ahead. One of my managers pulled some strings for us to go live at 6pm and 7pm at another downtown locale. Breaking news blew those plans out of the water.

In fairness to the business who welcomed us with open arms, we still wanted to shoot video of their establishment for their accommodating nature. After the craziness died down, I sent a free cameraman back over there to shoot video for the 11pm show. There are times we can't even do this much for stories we must vacate.

I've said it before and I'll say it again, NEVER PROMISE ANYTHING!!!!!!!!!

Now, before the next emergency hits, I'm gonna get back to my peas in a bag, salad in a Styrofoam cup, and fettuccini alfredo with 0g Trans fat in a cardboard vessel.

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