Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Changing times

Oh, how times are a changing!

As a novice desk person, I tried so hard to cover anything and everything that was happening in order to fill our shows.

I thought everything in the daybook warranted a crew and every big name concert was a must get. Now, we may cover 4 concerts a year of the REAL BIGGIES!!!

And trust me, there are dozens and even hundreds of worthwhile events every single day which would make good stories or what we call 'pacers' --stories that not only inform our customers but help the pace of the show move along!

Just today --realistically, we could have sent a reporter to what we thought was an overturned boat with people in the water......to find out what will house the former Club Moda space.....to explore the outrage directed toward Fannie Lewis' predecessor...or to hear the heroic story of Peggy Whitson, NASA Astronaut, who just spent 6 months on the International Space Station.

Due to changing times, subjectiveness, and scaling back, we could not send a reporter to any of the above.

I pride myself on perfecting my news judgement skills over the years. I'm pretty good at gauging what is or is not a good story. With that fine tuning, it's a bit easier to know what we MUST really get to and what we can 'blow off.'

With experience, it also makes it easier not to stress out as much if I can not cover something, if I miss something ....or get as frustrated when I suggest what I think is a real good story --we don't do it, but every other station in town does it! Let it roll off your back, baby!!!

I do find that great organization, preparation, and communication help immensely when covering the news.

Even with fewer people, if I've done my homework and mapped out a plan, I can cover almost as much with fewer crews by being energized, wise, organized, and not wasting a single second!

My crews may not agree and may not be too happy with me because I keep them hopping, but at least they can say they worked a very productive and satisfying shift!

Then, there are those events that you just feel obligated to cover, whether they are going to air or not. We have the luxury with wkyc.com to give our readers these special stories!

Times are changing. Hopefully, our good news judgement, high standards, willingness to go out of the proverbial box, informative and helpful stories, and quality broadcasts will remain constant through all the changes!!!!!!!!!

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