Saturday, July 26, 2008

V-A-C-A-T-I-O-N, all I ever wanted!

It seems like I get all this vacation. The mirage is that my recent vacations have fallen so close together! And they were working vacations where I did not have one single second to really 'VACATE!!'

I believe this is my last real vacation until the time I requested off for the Indians Playoffs and the World Series run!

Wishful thinking! Actually wishful thinking on two fronts --that they will go, even though I REALLY DO BELIEVE they are still in this thing.....and wishful thinking that my supervisor will grant the time off even though I requested it back in December! Que Sera, Sera. Whatever will be, will be!

So, suffice it to say, 'Swing by and spray' is on another little hiatus. I won't be on the news desk so it is fruitless to talk about the crazy life of an assignment editor on the assignment desk!!!!

BUT, if something pops, I'll try to find a computer to pop on! Especially if Betsy and Paul have their baby and I can get my hands on some pictures......or if I learn of anything else that amazes me!

Have a great week, everyone! Talk to you August 4th!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

So when were you going to tell me you were going on vacay again?