Thursday, February 18, 2010

'Skunked again!'

I walked into work, camera in hand, with exhibit A for Lisa and Rita of why, just moments ago, I was on the verge of calling them to say I was going to be a tad late!

Fortunately, the little varmint scampered away allowing me to cruise in with minutes to spare!

This all started when I spotted some amazing pictures as I was leaving for work and figured, great, I'll snap some photos to show for a possible story idea. My neighbor had icicles on his gutters --one of them had to be at least 4 feet long, if not more--over power lines!

I grabbed pictures of the icicles as well as the snow covered fire hydrants for our news planning meeting.

I was all done taking the pictures, turned to get into my car and there he was, only inches away.

The cutest little skunk I had ever seen!!

Now, not only did I not want to scare the bugger so that he gave me a scented gift, but with all of the snow we have had over the last week, this is probably the first day he has been able to get out and gather up some food.

I backed up slowly as he knew I was there but did nothing toxic. He efforted getting out of my way and had the hardest time maneuvering through the snow mounds.

I just let him do his thing and scamper away from me and then I safely entered my car, started the car, and took off when I knew he was far enough away not to cause a big stink!

Sure made for a good personal story, with visual aids, when I arrived at work --as well as a few very good story ideas!!!

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