Wednesday, September 16, 2009

I'm not old!!

We're only as old as we feel.

I do believe that mantra.

Unfortunately, lately I feel old.

And 2 recent incidents just compound the vibe.

One of our younger employees came up to me the other day and said, 'hey you should come watch us play softball sometime!'


Did he not realize I carry my glove and softball in the trunk of my car?

Did he not realize I was the wkyc catcher for the longest time and played pretty good for a girl?

If I did not catch, I DID play other positions!

If that's not bad enough, one of our new interns struck up a conversation asking how I got into this business....did I always want to do what I do.....blah blah blah.

When I told her I absolutely adore what I do and have so many other hidden talents, hobbies, aspirations I could attempt (such as my writing, my singing, the family boutique we've always wanted to try, winning the lottery, the list is really endless), she turned to me and said, "Danielle, you are not old at all. I don't think someone is old until they are....uh.....about 49 years old!"

The other shoe has dropped!

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